Es handelt sich um einen Leistungstest, der die Kompetenzen einer Person in verschiedenen Bereichen wie beispielsweise detailgetreues Wahrnehmen, logisches Schlussfolgern, Reaktionsschnelligkeit, usw. erfassen soll.

Caviezel Seraina

Universität Bern

April 22nd 2008 - June 22nd 2008

archived 🗄

The authors are looking at risky decision making in everyday situations. The online survey requires you to make self-assessments of how you would respond in

G. Simons, B. Parkinson, K. Gentsch

University of Oxford

April 15th 2008 - June 15th 2008

archived 🗄

In dieser kurzen Studie (max. 10 Minuten) geht es um Konsumverhalten. Konkret werden Sie gebeten sich einen Einkauf vorzustellen und einige Fragen dazu zu beantworten.

Florian Kutzner, Jochim Hansen*

Universität Heidelberg, *Universität Basel

April 7th 2008 - June 7th 2008

archived 🗄

You will have to answer some questions about a person described in a review form and some about yourself. It won't take long, just 15-20

Monica Welter, Ulf-Dietrich Reips

University of Zürich

March 31st 2008 - May 31st 2008

archived 🗄

This study is limited to individuals living in the United States (do not have to be a citizen of the US) and over the age

C. Alix Timko

Towson University

March 24th 2008 - May 24th 2008

archived 🗄

This study is intended to examine the role of sense of humor in relationships. In order to participate, you must be at least 18 years

Dimitrios Kokkinis, Michael Maniaci, and Harry Reis

University of Rochester

March 22nd 2008 - May 22nd 2008

archived 🗄

This short survey will ask about your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes about leaders of your religious community.

Robert D. Blagg

Claremont Graduate University

March 20th 2008 - May 20th 2008

archived 🗄

Die Teilnahme an dieser Studie dauert etwa 8 Minuten. Unter allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern werden drei CDs nach Wahl verlost.

Mirella Walker

Uni Basel

March 5th 2008 - May 5th 2008

archived 🗄

This study involves completing materials for two projects. In one project, you will be asked about your opinions about a man or woman in

Jason Lanter

Miami University

March 3rd 2008 - May 3rd 2008

archived 🗄

This questionnaire is all about how you would define the identity of your closest and oldest friend. I will then ask you to give memories

Clare Rathbone

University of Leeds

February 28th 2008 - April 28th 2008

archived 🗄